Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I am such a slacker!!

Well, yes and no. I'm a slacker when it come to blogging. Nick and I don't have the internet right now so the only time I have to check things out is when I go to the library which is only about once a month and then I just use up all of my alotted time reading everyone else's blog.

I just wanted to let everyone know that we're still alive and well. We've got a busy summer planned out and I excited for some of the fun things we'll be doing.

We're going to have fun going camping, fishing, white water rafting, hiking, and celebrating both out birthdays in the next couple months. I think every weekend is pretty much full. It will be a lot of fun but when it's all said and done it will be nice to just be able to relax.

Oh, yeah! Guess what I did today?? I performed a song at work today. Farm Bureau is one of the area's biggest supporters for "Relay For Life", a program designed to raise money to find the cure for cancer. Anyway, to raise money at work, we sold tickets to a talent show that we called "Farm Bureau's Got Talent". I sang Whitney Houston's "Greatest Love of All" and guess what else?? I won!! It was pretty exciting since I don't really win anything very often.

Hmmm... what else has been going on? I planted flowers in front of our apartment. Daisies!! I figured it would be a good choice because of all the sunshine and wamth we would be getting this summer. To bad about all the rain. I think most of the flowers have either drowned or gotten moldy... Rain, rain, and more rain!! Holy cow! When will it ever stop? I feel like it's been raining for the past month straight. The past couple days have actually been warm but it looks like the forecast says more rain for the next few days. Blah! I'm just hoping for better weather for the rest of the summer.

I hope everyone else's summer is going awesome! We love you all!